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Feedback from Teacher Mentor

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As a young teacher, I recognize the importance of feedback and therefore, I tried to work collaboratively with students, teachers, and my university consultant to benefit from their descriptive feedback. 

Teacher Mentor Feedback: 

My teacher mentor and myself facilitated dialogue 
throughout the practicum, which helped me to improve greatly. However, I have chosen to include an example of written feedback from my first week at practicum, because I believe that it demonstrates my capabilities as a teacher to show flexibility and composure. 

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Student Feedback:

During my time in this grade six classroom, I  tried to take student feedback into account when planning for activities and project based learning (KSA #7, 8). I collected student feedback by facilitating class discussions on preferences and assigning exit slips at the end of classes. Below is an example of exit slips completed halfway through my PSII practicum. 

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