Teaching Physical Education
Physical education provided the exciting opportunity to team teach with a fellow intern, which I had not been able to do in previous placements. I got to experience the benefits of collaborative planning, teaching, and learning. This was very valuable, not only for developing collaborative qualities, but if I am ever to work in a school where team teaching is a major focus. Below are images of our collaborative dance unit, whereby the students engaged in the following: guided dances, guided warm ups, and creative dance. It was an exciting opportunity to be wholeheartedly involved with the student's activities, by modelling dance moves and encouraging students to experiment with movement.
General Outcome A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities; dance, games, types of gymnastics, individual activities and activities in an alternative environment; e.g., aquatics and outdoor pursuits.
Basic Skills—Nonlocomotor;
e.g., turning, twisting, swinging, balancing, bending, landing, stretching, curling, hanging
Students will:
A5-3 select, perform and refine more challenging nonlocomotor sequences
A5-4 consistently and confidently perform nonlocomotor skills by using elements of body and space awareness, effort and relationships to a variety of stimuli to improve personal performance